dimanche 18 mars 2018

Big Book Donation Goes to Youssef Ibn Tachafine High School in Matmatah

The Fes-Meknés Regional Academy of Education and Training, the Taza Provincial Directorate of the Ministry of National Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education and Scientific Research, and the Provincial Inspectorate of English (Ed-Links-Morocco) would like to express their warm thanks and heartfelt gratitude to Peace Corps Morocco for the incommensurably generous book donation to Youssef Ibn Tachafine High School.
This year the United States Peace Corps celebrates years of service to the people of Morocco. The new group of volunteers arrived to the Kingdom in September. These milestones are a testament to the strong friendship and partnership between the people and government of the Kingdom of Morocco and the United States Peace Corps

Peace Corps Volunteers are working to increase youth leadership, strengthen youth networks, build capacity of professionals who work with youth, and promote girls’ education. They work with local professionals and youth to promote volunteerism and youth leadership through activities such as sports, study of world geography, libraries, exercise classes, environmental projects, project management training, thematic English teaching, and self-esteem activities for girls.

Thank you Anne Wilson Siembieda (Peace Corps Volunteer), Ahmed El Hammoumi (School Headmaster) Salma Alami Chantoufi , Majda El Heyouni, Noah Alaoui and Fouad Bensellam (English language educators) for all the time and effort you have so commitedly invested. Thank you for so magnanimously furnishing Youssef Ibn Tachafine needy library bookshelves and paving the way for an extensive reading school project.

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