Tizi Ouasli is a wee town in the Rif mountains, almost haflway from Taza to Al-Houceima via Aknoul. I just happened to be there during the June 2017 regional and national school exams and spent a fortnight in its charming middle school... I was offered a space to call my own for the fifteen days or so, and was generously fed like I seldom have so far been.
The school's admins, the young friendly and promising teachers, Si Hassan and Hassan junior from the students' parents/tutotors association, Si Omar, the president of Tizi Ouasli community council, their friends and myself have had enough time to talk of dozens of issues, converse and cogitate upon a few action plans.
I have promised them all one sole single thing... I put my mouth in my foot when I gave them my word I would do my best to help furnish those school library needy bookshelves...
In coordination with the school admins and in colaboration with the parents/tutors association, Bookland Publishing Academic services, English Language Services and the English Inspectorate in Taza Provincial Directorate have launched a book donation campain/drive along with a school extensive reading programme.
What is a school without books? We hope Tizi Ousli children will never know. Join the endeavour by donating a dictionary, a reader/short story or a textbook.
What is a school without books? We hope Tizi Ousli children will never know. Join the endeavour by donating a dictionary, a reader/short story or a textbook.
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