dimanche 30 octobre 2016


For almost three years now, Bookland Publishing has been entertaining distinguished educational and professional relationships between students, parents, teachers, supervisors and textbook designers to maintain its reputation for excellence in the provision of English language instructional materials and English language teacher training.  Bookland Publishing has been elaborating a strategy to increase the productivity of both learners and teachers through publications, workshops, school visits and contests.

Grounded in a clear sense of institutional identity and purpose, this strategy seeks to draw together a statement of the core values which drive language learning and teaching in the Kingdom of Morocco, a set of aims which arise from those values, and a framework to support the pursuit of those aims through identification and dissemination of good learning and teaching practices.

According to the National Charter for Education and Training (al mithaq al watani li tarbiya wa takwin), language education is about the development of language specific skills and abilities, combined with a critical evaluation of the social and cultural conditions that influence both the discipline itself, and the world into which our students grow proficient. Bookland Publishing is continuously seeking to entertain the learner’s experience with foreign language learning and communication by developing a set of goals and processes that beat the bushes to recognise good practice and share it.

These are the six strategic aims of learning and teaching Bookland Publishing is endeavouring to achieve:
1.     Feed the capacity for language learners to live and learn adaptively in a constantly changing world.
2.     Highlight human values and put them into practice by providing enhanced learning experiences for students.
3.     Sustain a compliant framework for teacher continuing professional development.
4.     Achieve a genuine and successful partnership between students, parents, teachers, schools and instructional material designers; a partnership which is built on shared notions of enhancement.
5.     Highlight and share the benefits and lessons of enhancement.
6.     Reward brilliant learners and teachers for their outstanding achievements.

Enhancement assumes that wherever improvement is possible and practical, every stakeholder should pursue it. In this perspective, and in collaboration with Regional Academies of Education and Training, English language teacher supervisors from various provincial directorates of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, and teachers from numerous public and private schools,

Bookland Publishing will organize and sponsor a series of local and national English language learning and teaching contests in order to encourage both students and teachers to unleash their creativity. These contests will be challenging, fun and rewarding… Get involved!

Submitted by: Khalil Zakari
 Bookland Academic Services


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